Debbi Karpowicz Kickham is a former Editor of Robb Report Magazine – “The Millionaire’s Magazine” ( and a current and veteran member of the Society of American Travel Writers, A professional travel journalist for more than 25 years, Debbi has criss-crossed the globe, writing travel articles for a wealth of magazines and newspapers that include The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Los Angeles Times, Glamour, Cigar Aficionado, InStyle Weddings, Bridal Guide (Contributing Editor to the Travel Section), Bellaonline (Hawaii and Spas Editor), For The Bride, Destination I Do, Caviar Affair, WellesleyWeston, US Airways, Continental, Gatehouse Media, Porthole, Simply The Best, First for Women – including custom-published magazines for ITT Sheraton and the Ritz-Carlton. She was also the “Passionate Collector” columnist for the custom-published magazine, Sotheby’s Domain. Interestingly, she also spent two years as an amateur stand-up comedian, doing “open-mike” nights in the evening while she was an advertising copywriter by day.
Debbi says that her career began in 8th grade at St. Ann’s School in Devon, Conn., when she entered her school’s oratorical contest. First you had to write a speech, then become a finalist, and finally, present the speech, on stage, to the entire school. On the day that she learned about the contest, Debbi decided then and there that she would was going to win – and she did! Her speech about “Family Unity In Our Changing Times” was sponsored by the Modern Woodmen on America, and Debbi captured first prize back in 1969. This success led her to a lifetime of writing and speaking engagements.
At The Robb Report Magazine, Debbi was the magazine’s on-air Corporate Media Spokesperson, making appearances at diverse media such as Live With Regis and Kathie Lee, and the CBS Morning News. She also created the magazine’s signature tag line at the time, “The Magazine For People With Million-Dollar Taste.” Her warm, bubbly personality, and business savvy also led her to become the national on-air media spokesperson for other businesses, including AT&T, SureFit Slipcovers (exclusively on Home Shopping Network, HSN), and VELCRO USA.
The Globetrotter’s Get-Gorgeous Guide© is Debbi’s third book. Her first book, I Love Men in Tasseled Loafers: How To Judge Men By Their Shoes©, was published in 1988 by Quinlan Press. She singlehandedly marketed and promoted the book, including sending the book to the media in Allen-Edmonds shoe boxes, and press releases rolled up and tied with actual leather laces with tassels. Her second book, Off The Wall Marketing Ideas: Jumpstart Your Sales Without Busting Your Budget©, was co-written with friend Nancy Michaels, and published by Adams Media in 2000. The book made The Boston Globe’s Bestseller List in just 11 days after publication, and led Debbi to appearances on a wealth of media including CNN, National Public Radio, and articles about her in publications that include Entrepreneur and Investors Business Daily. Debbi has made hundreds of media appearances in her career, promoting her clients, and her books, and has also been the featured guest speaker at numerous in-person speaking engagements. She is also the former Editor-in-Chief of Mirror Magazine, Boston’s first magazine that was dedicated to beauty and well-being.
Debbi is the owner of Maxima Marketing in Westwood, Mass., (, and provides marketing and public relations consulting to clients in all industries, especially the beauty industry. She works with plastic surgeons, cosmetic dentists, hair salons and skincare salons, masterminding strategies that include developing unusual story angles; creating marketing plans and signature tag lines; writing press releases, ads and newsletters; copywriting; media placement, and product naming. She produces for clients what Maxima Marketing’s tagline promises: “Making You Memorable, Moving You Ahead.”
Currently she is the Contributing Travel Editor and Contributing Spa Editor at, the leading luxury website on the internet. (Debbi has never met a luxury she didn’t like, with the exception of Thai massage.)
When Debbi is not traveling the globe, getting spa treatments, shopping for bargains, writing marketing proposals and travel articles, exercising, buying cosmetics, and finding the humor in everyday life, she is watching movies, reading voraciously, flirting with her handsome husband Bill, and studying Combat Sambo (Russian martial arts), where she is an orange belt.
You can email Debbi at